
Our school uniform consists of dark grey or black trousers/skirts/shorts, a pale blue t-shirt and a navy sweatshirt. Blue and white checked dresses may also be worn during warmer weather.

We also encourage children to wear our school PE kit: navy/black shorts/joggers/leggings and a sky blue or navy t-shirt. Pale blue PE hoodies are optional.

Uniform may be ordered directly from Crosscanonby St John's School Archives - Gift & Stitch - Aspatria (giftandstitch.co.uk) If you are unable to order online please contact us so we can help.

From September 2022 we have agreed that children may wear plain unbranded items, such as sweatshirts and t-shirts as long as they are in the school colours of navy and pale blue.


For more information please see our uniform policy.