Pupil Premium


Pupil Premium is additional funding given to schools to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and close the gap between them and their peers. It was first introduced in April 2011. Since then the amount schools and academies receive has increased. Schools and academies will receive funding based on the number of pupils who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last 6 years.


In 2023-2024 we received £16,005 pupil premium funding grant. This was used to provide access to enrichment activities, as well as after school clubs. Teacher led interventions for writing, maths, reading, phonics and spelling have been planned for identified pupils and we have also planned to continue to run more social emotional well-being sessions for small groups of pupils and individuals. Some of the funding will be used to purchase additional resources in this area and also to access training for members of staff - ELSA training and Understanding and Responding to Developmental Training for all staff.  

One member of staff has received paediatric first aid training.   

We track the performance of pupils in receipt of additional funding through end of term and end of year data and also through regular pupil reviews. All staff are aware of the expectations for pupil premium pupils and discuss these with parents and carers at consultation evenings. Following analysis of the previous academic years’ results, pupils falling behind were identified, as were any significant gaps in learning. These were addressed through whole class teaching, one to one and small group interventions. Staff have spent a considerable amount of time working on social and emotional aspects of learning and Social Emotional Mental Health. Ensuring that SEMH needs were met, then in turn, allowed for pupils to access a wider curriculum.

In 2024, 50% (1/2) pupils in receipt of pupil premium funding achieved the expected standard in Reading, 50% (1/2) Writing and 0/2 achieved the expected standard in Maths and GPS.

The greatest need in school for our disadvantaged pupils was their Social Emotional Mental Health, a lot of time and intervention has been included into the timetables of these children to ensure that they are then able to access their learning.  

Our pupil premium allocation, including Pupil Premium for PLAC (Post Looked-After Children) and SEN Adjustment) for 2024-2025 is £34,704.04. Funding this year will be used to provide access to enrichment activities, as well as after school clubs and Breakfast Club. Teacher led interventions for writing, maths, reading, phonics and spelling have been planned for identified pupils and we have also planned to continue to run more social emotional well-being sessions for small groups of pupils and individuals. Some of the funding will be used to purchase additional resources in this area and also to access training for members of staff – Child and Adolescent Mental Health. For children going on our annual residential, those in receipt of Pupil Premium will have 50% of the cost funded, and those children who are looked after will be funded 100%.

Please use the links below to view our Pupil Premium Strategy and our Pupil Premium Allocations for this academic year:

