
Science offers so many opportunities for investigation, both inside and outside the classroom. Through our science curriculum we aim to provide opportunities for our pupils to develop the skills to explain and question what they have observed, investigated and learnt, as well as creating excitement and curiosity. As far as is practical and possible lessons give children a hands-on experience and enable them to discover science for themselves.  It is taught throughout the school, allowing children of all ages to enjoy the subject. Lessons are as interactive and meaningful as possible. Science is all around us and we aim to contextualise pupils’ learning by making the lessons relevant by relating what they are learning to their everyday lives. We want them to talk about the world around them, be curious about what they see and to ask questions and not to take things for granted. We encourage them to describe and explain what they find. We build upon previous knowledge and skills, revisiting themes several times throughout the children’s time here, allowing for consolidation and an accumulation of knowledge which begins in our Early Years. Within the curriculum we also focus on the skills the children need to become accurate, careful and confident practical scientists, mastering the skills of planning and carrying out fair tests, using equipment accurately, taking exact readings and measurements and recording this in appropriate ways.

Wherever possible science is a mixture of whole class teaching and practical activities; opportunities for group work are built into most lessons. The school follows the National Curriculum for science and pupils are encouraged to develop skills of inquiry through all science topics.