
We want to equip all of our pupils with skills and knowledge in maths that mean they are able to use these successfully and confidently in every day life. We seek to promote an enjoyment of maths and problem solving which fosters engagement. In Maths, we aim to encourage all our children to want to become confident mathematicians. We want them to feel that they are able to achieve whilst allowing them to challenge themselves in order to extend their own learning. Learning facts (fluency) is only a part of becoming a mathematician. Being able to question, explain and prove their own thinking demonstrates our desire to encourage our children to be willing to take risks and accept that mistakes will inevitably happen and to learn from these. Encouraging resilience and perseverance is a key factor of becoming a successful learner and we therefore aim to provide challenges which will help to develop these skills.

The children work in their classes for Maths and mixed age classes means that we can provide opportunities to support both the most able and those who require some additional time to work on a concept. 

This is an example of what progress looks like across the school:

These are the Maths Non-Negotiables that children are working to achieving at the end of each academic year:

By the end of Foundation Stage, most children, when assessed against the Early Learning Goals for Mathematics, will be judged as ‘expected’ this means that they have reached the level of development expected at the end of the EYFS.

By the end of Year 1 to 5 children are expected to achieve Age Appropriate Expectations.



The Early Learning Goal has been broken down into smaller targets.

By the end of the year children will be able to:

• Count to 20.

• Count reliably at least 10 objects.

• Use ‘more’ and ‘less’ to compare two numbers.

• Estimate a number of objects and check by counting.

• Recognise written numerals 1 to 9.

• Say one more / less (to 10).

• Add and subtract two small groups of objects (to 10).

Year 1:

• Count to and across 100, forwards and backwards, beginning with 0 or 1, or from any given number

• Count, read and write numbers to 100 in numerals

• Count in multiples of twos, fives and tens

• Given a number, identify one more and one less

• Read and write numbers from 1 to 20 in numerals and words.

• Represent and use number bonds and related subtraction facts within 20

• Add and subtract one-digit and two-digit numbers to 20, including zero

Year 2:

• Count in steps of 2, 3, and 5 from 0, and in tens from any number, forward or backward

• Recognise the place value of each digit in a two-digit number (tens, ones)

• Compare and order numbers from 0 up to 100

• Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 and 10 multiplication tables

• Recognise odd and even numbers

• Add and subtract numbers using concrete objects, pictorial representations, and mentally, including:

a two-digit number and ones

a two-digit number and tens

3 one-digit numbers

• Find simple fractions, e.g. 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, 1/5, 1/10 of shapes & amounts.

• Tell and write the time to five minutes

Year 3:

  • Count from 0 in multiples of 4, 8, 50 and 100
  • Find 10 or 100 more or less than a given number
  • Recognise the place value of each digit in a three-digit number (hundreds, tens, ones)
  • Compare and order numbers up to 1000
  • Read and write numbers up to 1000 in numerals and in words
  • Add and subtract numbers mentally, including:
  • a three-digit number and ones
  • a three-digit number and tens
  • Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 multiplication tables
  • Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator within one whole
  • Know the number of seconds in a minute and the number of days in each month, year and leap year

Year 4:

• Count in multiples of 6, 7, 9, 25 and 1000

• Find 1000 more or less than a given number

• Count backwards through zero to include negative numbers

• Recognise the place value of each digit in a four-digit number (thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones)

• Order and compare numbers beyond 1000

• Solve number and practical problems that involve all of the above and with increasingly large positive numbers

• Add and subtract numbers with up to 4 digits using the formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction where appropriate

• Recall multiplication and division facts for multiplication tables up to 12 × 12

• Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator

• Read, write and convert time between analogue and digital 12 and 24-hour clocks



Year 5:

• Read, write, order and compare numbers to at least 1 000 000 and determine the value of each digit

• Count forwards or backwards in steps of powers of 10 for any given number up to 1,000,000

• Interpret negative numbers in context, count forwards and backwards with positive and negative whole numbers through zero

• Add and subtract whole numbers with 4 or more digits

• Recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions and convert from one form to the other and write mathematical statements > 1 as a mixed number (e.g. 2/5 + 4/5 = 6/5 = 11/5)

• Convert between different units of metric measure including time

Year 6:

• Compare and order numbers to 10,000,000.

• Identify common multiples, common prime numbers and common factors.

• Multiply and divide 4-digit numbers by 2-digit numbers.

• Round any number to a required degree of accuracy.

• Add and subtract fractions with different denominators and mixed numbers.

• Multiply simple pairs of proper fractions.

• Divide proper fractions by whole numbers.

• Calculate the percentage of a whole number.

Children in all classes are taught basic arithmetic skills, this includes learning tables, and problem solving activities are built into all areas of the maths curriculum.   

Formal recording of work begins once children in KS1 are confident using numbers and the way this is done is explained to parents by the teachers at consultation evenings or at an open evening to discuss the curriculum. The school has a calculation policy that outlines how maths is recorded. Problem solving activities are built into every maths unit so that children have regular opportunities to use and apply the skills and knowledge they have acquired. Pupils also have opportunities to use mathematical skills in other curriculum areas, e.g science and D/T.

This is an example of what Maths looks like across our school: