SIAMS Inspection Report!

20 October 2016

Image of SIAMS Inspection Report!

Two weeks ago the school received an inspection visit from the Church of England. The Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) inspection not only looks at the effectivness of the school and outcomes for learners but ensures that schools are catering for the students social, moral, spritiual and cultural development needs. It delves into the effectivness of RE teaching and assesses the effectiveness of leadership and management within the school. 

I am really pleased with the report that has just been released and several quotes really stand out that i think sum up our school. "Distinctive Christian values permeate relationships across the school community and result in the school being a happy and secure learning environment." This is something we are very proud of here and we also have always worked hard on making sure that "The school’s highly inclusive character has a positive impact on pupils’ spiritual development and well-being."

During the inspection the inspector spoke to the children and she was very impressed by their responses. "Children say, ‘We are like a big family. Everyone is really happy and gets on well together.’ Staff and parents agree that the school’s core Christian values encourage children to be tolerant, kind and caring towards others."


Tags: church